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McClellanville Watermen

McClellanville’s historic fishing village atmosphere is treasured by its residents and those who visit. Coastal municipalities throughout the United States, when threatened with the loss of working waterfronts, say it is the fishermen that keep the roots of local culture alive.


The day-to-day activity of boats, the sounds and smells of the waterfront visiting the docks to see the fresh catch, or talking with watermen in passing are highlights to living in and visiting a fishing village.


McClellanville’s working waterfront activities make up the largest portion of the Town’s workforce, including captains, crew, dock facility workers, retail and office personnel, value-added producers, and distributors. In 2017, recognizing that the seafood industry is a core economic and cultural asset, the Town Council, citizens, industry partners, and the watermen began collectively planning for their future and the McClellanville working waterfront initiative was born.


The McClellanville Watermen’s Association


We are

  • Shrimpers, oystermen, clammers, crabbers, aquaculturists, and fishermen. 

  • Local watermen who own a Homeport Vessel.

  • Committed to preserving our maritime heritage.

  • Independent by nature and with different plans for our future, but working together to develop a sustainable solution that preserves the working waterfront.

  • Stewards of the environment.

  • A collective voice in the industry. 

  • Protectors of McClellanville’s waterfront and greenspace.


Our Current Objectives

Industry Education


The McClellanville Watermen’s Association is working with South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium on “A Blueprint for a Southeast Regional Fisheries and Aquaculture Training Center”.


Through interactions with regional seafood businesses and analysis of our own needs, a primary concern is the lack of a trained workforce in the field of commercial fisheries and aquaculture. The workforce shortage in the industry is an obstacle to our regional growth potential.


The planning activities and subsequent training center “Blueprint” will help us to understand what workforce development efforts are required to realize the potential for South Carolina’s coastal economy and working waterfronts.


Public Meeting October 13, 2021 Notice


For more information please contact us.




Covers expenses for industry-related education and travel, website, informational, and newsletters.

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